The serious attitudes
For sex
The links
The partner program


   The partner program



    Create page and earn! Business - page for all. A ready site - step by step text-book from zero



  You are beginner in network? You heard of that that in интернете possible well earn, but do not know, as this do? But can be, You all beautifully know, but beside You simply no time this concern with? Then You have fallen into most necessary and useful place! Having Spent today from power two hours, You provide itself monthly incom a minimum 300 dollars!! Any interested person, including You not even having no special knowledges, can absolutely gratis get the just the same page and begin to earn their own dollars. As? Read further.
  The Company FriendFinder offers all wanting become their partners on attraction of new members in their services of acquaintances. Confessedly all, who when or work with this sponsor, this most best programs of payment for call in интернете. Unlike multiple sponsors, FrienFinder pays You not only each call on баннер (moreover before 36 cents for call), but 50 the percent of incom connected вебмастеров from You! That is to say if connected from you вебмастер earns 100 dollars at month (that much easy), You get 50$! I much like review one american webmaster - "Yes this not program, but utter halyava!!!!More Light and more best way to earn I did not meet!!! I have at month on her $4000! !". But if take into account that FriendFinder has not one, but several different programs, You themselves will be able таккже without special labour here to earn
   That much important - FriendFinder much лояльно pertains to вебмастерам and always, without delays sends cheques (usually the following day after completion of month). Specially for distrusting - here You may look at cheque for one of the the programs FriendFinder, received for september 1999.
  As You understand, I, in the same way either as You, is interested in that that You were able to earn by means of this sponsor their own 300-500 dollars at month. Specially for this I has done these pages, having copied which, any interested person, even absolutely not having no beliefs about sponsors, making the pages and more so accomodation them in internet, will be able without special labour greatly to correct its financial standing. You whole only necessary will follow much idle time of incremental instruction, which is located a little below, and having spent maximum two hours, already today You will be able to earn first dollars. Well but if You will be able to spend on Your сайт then at least on hour at week, result will certainly surprise You themselves:)
   Disposed below instruction can be shown who that too уж detailed, but I want that You all have understood, and did not spend time for decision of unnecessary questions . If some steps You do not need (for instance, beside You is already installed on computer HTML-editor), can boldly miss them .


Step 1

  In the beginning necessary to get place on free server for Your page of acquaintances . If You already have its page, then can miss this step, but I You urgently advice to create one more, specialized сайт acquaintances, and untwist its exactly as "acquaintances". Ithaca, I offer You to get 35 Мб on new very quick american server Bizland.. You in the same way get free e-mail, possibility of boot on FTP, помошник on making the pages for beginning and a great deal another .


Step 2

  Now we will get one more short address-форвардинг. For instance, Your_name.fw.nu. It much be useful You for раскрутки Your сайта, when You will advertise its in different notice-boards, чатах or groups of news, where all usually indicate such short address-форвардинг . Here You will be able to choose for itself several different types of addresses .


Step 3

  Регестрируемся In programs FriendFinder. You Bear In Mind that for each program necessary its registration. Cheque will also be sent for each concrete program

·   Adult Friend (international service of heart-to-heart acquaintances for searching for a sex-partners with free registration). You get from 36 cents/call + 50% incom connected webmasters from You. Cost a clique рассчитвывается, as attitude of number of calls to count;calculate;list free registrations. Usually it it holds in region 6 to 1. However if this attitude will more, than 12 to 1 by the time that You will draw a cheque, You can switch to program of payment for registration , where 1 free registration = 5 cents, + 100% if from You are registerred in pay part of server. Such condition and in rest programs. If beside You difficulties with english, see translation of conditions and registration form for Adult Friend here

·   Friend Finder from 18 cents/call a plus 50 % arrived from other webmasters. Usual acquaintances for correspondence, meeting and etc .

·   ALT.com - 18 the cents/call + 10% from other webmasters. Acquaintances - Нетрадиционный lifestyle .

·   GAY personals from 18 cents for call + 50% from other webmasters. Acquaintances for geev .

·   German Friend 18 cents for call + 10% from other webmasters. Acquaintances for speaking on german language.

·   Asia Friend - pay 1 dollar for free registration of women (woman) and 50 cents for registration a men, + 10% incom other webmasters.


Step 4

     The Ithaca, we approach to most interesting. Now necessary to save these pages on Your computer. Create on its компьтере new file "finder", where will place this site. Then downloads thence archived сайт with expansion .zip. On question "Что follows to do with this файлом?" mark - "Сохранить this file on диске" and save file finder.zip in right before created by You file. This file contains all necessities for Your site. Unzip Its in this file.
   If You have no program WinZip, advice its скачать and install - this very useful program, actively using in internet. Download this program possible here.
    The Ithaca, in file "finder" is kept сайт with all graphic files. Now You necessary to change my given on Your, as follows change all my registration number in te links sponsors on number, which You have got at registrations. For instance if for сайта Adult Friend Finder my code the links looks so -
that You necessary will be instead of p22341c to insert Your own data. And exactly in the same way this do with all rest the linl. For this necessary open the files from file "finder" in any HTML- editor (do NOT use Front Page Express or Netscape Composer!). I recommend to use suitable SiteAid 1.3 или более сложный 1st Page 2000 2.0 - beautiful HTML-editor with all necessary functions, full free analogue HomeSite. It has built-in assistant on creation
JavaScript, CSS Style Sheets, DHTML и многое другое.

After You finish the work on change the codes, You will remain to carry Your сайт on server Bizland. For this necessary use any FTP-program. We will Consider this process on example of popular program CuteFTP 2.8. After boot and installing the program on Your computer, necessary to put into it given for joining with server Bizland.

    Start program CuteFTP. Automatically together with window of program is openned "FTP Site Manager" (if this window not it was openned or You accidentally have closed its, press on upper left значок-кнопку"Site Manager"). В "FTP Site Manager" press "Add site" and fill following поля:
Site Label - name Your сайта. Will Enter any, what You нравится.
Host Address - FTP-address of server, in our event an address bizland: ftp.bizland.com
User ID - insert username, under which You регистрировались
Password - Your пароль
Press The Button "Ok" , but then "Connect". After joining with Bizland list of files will appear in right of panels, change on server. In left panel - list of files on Your computer. Find file "finder", open it and copy all its files on server (including and file "finder.zip" (for copying enough to drag over the mouse a file from left panel in shift to the right.) All!
Now You may earn money on own page .

Step 5

  Now necessary to do to about Your new put heard as large as possible people. Report all its friends and familiar on аське and e-mail. If You constant visitor some chat, unostentatious invite to itself on сайт Your collocutors, remember to mention of that that they in the same way can get for itself just the same сайт and earn on him. You may invite visitors, using different free boards объявлений.
  Aside from this, You necessary to register its сайт in popular ratings, sink-sheets and search systems, for instance www.mafia.ru и www.list.ru. After completion of registrations remember to insert got codes of counters to first page Your site.

Happy End

  But now You remain only to look at its statistics beside sponsor , and remember at least once at month to remind all about its put, using different free boards объявлений.
  If appear the каки-or questions, see the section F.A.Q., or write me .




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